Below is a list of employee characteristics. This is by no means an exhaustive list. It is more of a jumping-off point for you and your team to utilize as you begin the search to find the perfect candidate who will thrive within the culture of your company and the sub-culture of your team.
1. Action-Oriented | 35. Easygoing | 69. Original |
2. Adaptable | 36. Educated | 70. Passionate |
3. Adventurous | 37. Efficient | 71. Patient |
4. Ambitious | 38. Eloquent | 72. Perceptive |
5. Amiable | 39. Empathetic | 73. Persistent |
6. Approachable | 40. Energetic | 74. Persuasive |
7. Articulate | 41. Enthusiastic | 75. Positive |
8. Autonomous | 42. Extrovert | 76. Predictable |
9. Calm | 43. Flexible | 77. Proactive |
10. Candid | 44. Focused | 78. Procedural |
11. Charismatic | 45. Friendly | 79. Process-Driven |
12. Cheerful | 46. Grit | 80. Problem-Solver |
13. Clever | 47. Hard-Working | 81. Punctual |
14. Coachable | 48. Honest | 82. Quality |
15. Collaborative | 49. Honorable | 83. Quiet |
16. Committed | 50. Humble | 84. Relaxed |
17. Communicative | 51. Imaginative | 85. Reliable |
18. Competitive | 52. Independent | 86. Resourceful |
19. Composed | 53. Inexperienced | 87. Respectable |
20. Confident | 54. Innovative | 88. Responsible |
21. Conscientious | 55. Intuitive | 89. Safe |
22. Cooperative | 56. Inquisitive | 90. Self-Managed |
23. Courteous | 57. Insightful | 91. Self-Motivated |
24. Creative | 58. Intelligent | 92. Sincere |
25. Curiosity | 59. Introvert | 93. Solid |
26. Decisive | 60. Intuitive | 94. Steady |
27. Dependable | 61. Kind | 95. Talkative |
28. Detail-Oriented | 62. Leader | 96. Team-Oriented |
29. Determined | 63. Loyal | 97. Technological |
30. Devoted | 64. Meticulous | 98. Trustworthy |
31. Diligent | 65. Modest | 99. Understanding |
32.Disciplined | 66. Open-minded | 100. Upbeat |
33. Direct | 67. Opinionated | |
34. Driven | 68. Organized |