The Millennial Rockstars™ Podcast centers around the idea of attracting, retaining and engaging the next generation of talent rockstars (both millennials and Gen Z).
This podcast focuses the conversations with guests on real, relatable stories on their path to success as well as lessons learned along the way.
Season 1 examined Millennial Rockstars from various industries, company sizes, and roles. Each guest was nominated by a boss or co-worker who could vouch for their status as a rockstar in the workplace.
Season 2 will examine the next generation from the eyes of their leaders. We are looking to speak with leaders who are known to develop and/or mentor young talent. From the leadership perspective, we are looking for leaders who can speak to:
- the importance and fiscal responsibility of developing the next generation of talent from a broader corporate-wide vantage point
- day-to-day recruitment, retention, and development of young talent into corporate rockstars.
- development of Millennial and Gen Z talent from a company wide perspective.
- a Millennial or Gen Z. (Must be over the age of 40.)
Three main audiences have emerged for the Millennial Rockstars™ podcast with converging goals. The first audience are Millennials and Gen Z's. Many who fall into both categories are doing their best to not be trapped by the stereotypes surrounding their generations. My hope is that they began to hear and see these interviews and realize that other Millennials and Gen Z's are in the workplace doing amazing things daily and throwing stereotypes out the window. Additionally, younger millennials and GenZ’s are using the podcast as a learning tool to what has worked for those immediately ahead of them in their careers as well as what can be implemented within their own lives and careers.
The second audience to emerge are corporate leaders from the frontline managers of younger employees all the way to the C-Suite. This podcast has changed their perceptions of the next generation of talent in the workplace and has become a learning tool for them to learn best practices for leveraging the talents and strengths of younger generations along with gathering information mixed with practical and actionable items that can be implemented in their day-to-day leadership of millennials and Gen Zs.
The third audience to emerge are HR and recruitment professionals. Because there is an incredible amount of negative information out there about the next generation of talent, it is often difficult to cut through the noise of focus on the high-performing young talent. This podcast has given them direct insight into what frustrates the next generation in the recruiting and on-boarding process.
The interviews usually lasts between 20-30 minutes, however, we do schedule them for 45 minutes in case of any technical glitches that need to be managed. All interviews will be conducted through Zoom (make sure you have good lighting).
The Millennial Rockstars™ podcast is available in both audio and video formats.