16: Developing Millennials as a Corporate Strategy

Millennial expectations of the workplace versus the realities are often misaligned. Hear about how 2 millennial rockstars have found a company culture that brings out and develops the best in each of them.

Ashleigh Skuse is a Director of Inside Sales - Enterprise - North America at Veeam Software. While Stephanie Gilbert is the Enterprise Sales Manager - North Central & Southeast at Veeam Software. Veeam Software is a privately held information technology company that develops backup, disaster recovery and intelligent data management software for virtual, physical and multi-cloud infrastructures. The company’s headquarters are in Baar, Switzerland.

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Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

The Transcript - Developing Millennials as a Corporate Strategy

00:00 Amanda Hammett: Hey, this is Amanda Hammett and this is the Millennial Rock Star Podcast.

00:04 Amanda Hammett: Hey, this is Amanda Hammett and I am the host of the Millennial Rock Star Podcast, and if you're looking at this podcast today, you'll notice that things are a little bit different than what you normally see. And they are different for a few reasons.

00:15 Amanda Hammett: First and foremost, you'll see that I am not in my normal studio office, because I am at the office of Veeam Software who employs my two, you heard that, right. Not one but two Millennial Rock Stars.

00:29 Amanda Hammett: So, help me welcome to today's show, Ashleigh Skuse and Stephanie Gilbert, welcome ladies.

00:35 Ashleigh Skuse & Stephanie  Gilbert: Thank you for having us.

00:36 Ashleigh Skuse: Glad to be here.

00:37 Amanda Hammett: Awesome, awesome, well I am so excited to have you guys here. I will be very honest with you. When I came up with the idea for the Millennial Rockstar Podcast, you guys were some of the very first people that popped in my mind.

00:48 Ashleigh Skuse: Thank you.

00:49 Amanda Hammett: So, I do not know if you remember, but about a year, a year and a half ago, we met each other. You guys came to an event where I was speaking at a women's leadership networking event, and you guys were just standouts. The entire Veeam community. What did you guys come with, 20 women from Veeam?

01:05 Amanda Hammett: Yeah, about 20 of them.

01:05 Ashleigh Skuse: Yeah 20, 25.

01:07 Amanda Hammett: It was. You guys were standouts, and the community and the engagement that you guys had, as employees, just stood out my mind. I secretly will admit to stalking Veeam online.


01:16 Amanda Hammett: Because I just thought it was so amazing what you guys were doing, so I knew I had to have you. So why don't you guys tell the audience a little about you guys? Let's start with you Steph.

01:26 Stephanie Gilbert: Sure. I was born in Tampa, and from Tampa moved to Roswell, Georgia. Which is right around the corner from the Veeam office here and Alpharetta. I went to Georgia Southern University and studied, well originally studied psychology and then decided that was not going to be my path, and went marketing and business. And from there, went into the clothing industry for about five years, was an inside sales rep for a clothing industry and then moved over to Veeam, and I have been here for about five years.

01:55 Amanda Hammett: That is awesome. Now, what about you Ashleigh?

01:57 Ashleigh Skuse: Yes, so, I am originally from Ohio, I graduated from the The Ohio State University. I actually went to school for Sociology, not because I knew that was a path that I wanted, but I knew I wanted to be in sales, and all I had to do was sell my degree. It didn't really matter what it was in. So I just went for something that I loved and I was passionate about people and the study of people. So why not go through sociology, which I really enjoyed and loved that, but knew sales was were I was going to be. Veeam was actually my first job straight out of college. Only job I interviewed for after college and I have been here ever since. So, eight years last month, with Veeam.

02:27 Amanda Hammett: Wow, okay well, that is awesome. I love both of your stories. So tell me a little bit about... Well, let us take a different approach, today since we are in a different place. So tell me what you love about Veeam?

02:42 Stephanie Gilbert: I love the people. I love the collaboration that we have here. Our executive management team is phenomenal. They take time to sit with you, no matter who you are, I mean you could be fresh out of college in our entry level position or you could be another executive. They take the time and get to know you, get to know your ideas and it's one of those places where everyone has good ideas. And it's just now trying to figure out how we take all those good ideas and execute on them. So, I am just inspired by everyone that works here.

03:15 Amanda Hammett: That's fantastic. What about you?

03:17 Ashleigh Skuse: So people is definitely number one with Veeam, right? I knew for a fact we were going to have the same answer to that question, because it is so true.


03:22 Ashleigh Skuse: But it is absolutely people, but also the innovation, right? Not only with our products and the innovation that we have with the products and making them for exactly what our customers are looking for and need. But also the innovation just as being how we promote people within. How, we really work on the people that we have and their leadership skills and their skills on the phones and their skill on kind of selling our products. And how to work with the different communities that we work for and our alliance partners and our channel partners, so definitely the people and the innovation of Veeam. It is just... Trust me, when I started eight years ago it was not this.


03:52 Ashleigh Skuse: Right, when I started eight years ago we were in a different building. We had, when I walked in my first job out of college, there was no cubes, no phones, nothing.

04:00 Amanda Hammett: Wow.

04:00 Ashleigh Skuse: No laptops. I walked in and I was like... What did I get myself into? Right, but it's all worked we've innovated. We've made it to what we needed it to be to that next level and we just continue to keep taking it to those next levels, and that's just so exciting to be on that train. And I am not getting off that anytime soon.

04:17 Amanda Hammett: That is awesome. So all right, let's back up though. So you actually started at Georgia Southern, and so when you were graduating, take everybody back to...

04:27 Ashleigh Skuse: Oh, boy...


04:27 Amanda Hammett: Take everybody back to Georgia Southern, and give us some ideas about when you were looking at your career, have there been any reality checks from the... Stephanie, that graduated from Georgia Southern, 10 years ago, versus Stephanie today. [laughter] What have been some of the reality checks of what you thought you were going to face in Corporate America.

04:52 Stephanie Gilbert: Let's see here, I am going to make my parents proud with this one now. Reality check, you know when I was graduating college and I think a lot of people that come fresh out of college are like... "Oh, well, I can't wait to get that 80k a year job. I am going to have all this flexibility. Such an adult. I am going to live in this high rise apartment in Downtown Atlanta. It is going to be fabulous and me and my fabulous life." And then getting out, I moved back in with my mom, which was fun.


05:22 Stephanie Gilbert: And then looked over at Monster and that was when Monster was popular and just going through all these things that needed, all these years of experience and I didn't have it, I didn't even know the first place to start. And so that, just having that kind of overwhelming anxiety on how... Where do I even start my career when everything seems like it was in the middle, and that if you didn't have at least five years... If you didn't have at least three years. So where do you get your... Where do you start your professional jump, I guess, if you will?

05:52 Stephanie Gilbert: And so I had worked for a clothing manufacturer, for inside sales and learned a lot of great things from a lot of great people there. And then, making my way over to Veeam. It's been amazing how much I've learned in the last five years, really in the last two years, from being a manager. So yeah, I guess considering expectations versus reality. [laughter] Some of the things I think that I would give to somebody that is about to graduate, is never take any experience for less than what it is. Doesn't matter if it's a $10 an hour job or your dream job and you're making that 80K that I wish I had made out of college. Take every single experience, because it's gonna apply in your future, so...

06:36 Amanda Hammett: Absolutely. Absolutely. All right, same question for you, Ashleigh. What's up?

06:42 Ashleigh Skuse: I was just laughing, because...

06:43 Stephanie Gilbert: Take it back to the Ohio State.


06:46 Ashleigh Skuse: I remember when I was a bartender at Texas Roadhouse and what I would tell the bar guests of what I was gonna do. I knew for a fact I wanted to move to Georgia, but I promised my mom I would move home first to look for a job in Ohio. I didn't go on one interview, I didn't even apply anywhere, right? But I was gonna look for a job.

07:02 Stephanie Gilbert: Your mom's not gonna watch this.


07:03 Ashleigh Skuse: No, she knew. We just went shopping and had fun for three months, and then that date hit and I moved to Georgia, and then started looking for a job. But I, like Stephanie, just assumed that I was going to straight out of the gate be this rockstar, making six figures within my first job. Reality hit pretty fast, and luckily, I have... My mother is extremely successful in her career and my brother's also in software as well. And I knew software was what I wanted to get in, so he kind of reality-checked me a little bit, so I had that. But still, it's learning that money is great, and it's definitely what you want and what you wanna strive for, but it's not the key to happiness. The key to happiness is being confident in what you're doing, and in order to be confident in what you're doing is learning from everybody around you. When I was an ISA, which is our entry level position, is where I started out here at Veeam, is... It's a grind. You have to make those cold calls and do all those type of things, and you have to have that mindset where it's only making me better for next year, for tomorrow, for... Looking down the future and knowing that all of that success comes, but you gotta be good at what you do first. And I think that that is something that is very... You're just invincible when you're in college, and you don't realize that it takes a lot of hard work. It's like, "Why don't you wanna pay me this?" "Why would we pay you this?"


08:16 Ashleigh Skuse: "Give me a reason why I should." [laughter]

08:19 Stephanie Gilbert: "I'm so worth it."

08:21 Ashleigh Skuse: Yeah, "I'm so worth it."

08:22 Stephanie Gilbert: But it's harder to see the bigger picture without the experience.

08:25 Ashleigh Skuse: Absolutely.

08:26 Stephanie Gilbert: And that bigger picture comes with it.

08:27 Ashleigh Skuse: Yeah, it comes with that experience, and just... Learning that it was humbling and it took a minute, but once you learn that and you just kinda put that on the back burner and be like, "I'm gonna work my butt off." And one thing that I learned early on in my career and I still try to do it but there's a lot more on my plate now, but it's like, never say, "It's not my job." Just do it. Do it and learn from it and maybe it's not your job per se, but somebody else is looking and watching you do it, and that's something that I think as you grow in your career, the more you do that, the more success that you're gonna have, because you're learning all those different aspects.

08:58 Amanda Hammett: That is a great little nugget there, Ashleigh. Very, very, very good. I love that.

09:03 Stephanie Gilbert: Yeah, I need a nugget.


09:05 Ashleigh Skuse: You'll have one, I'm sure.

09:06 Stephanie Gilbert: Okay. I'll work on my nugget over here.


09:08 Ashleigh Skuse: We'll get you one. We'll get you one, don't you worry.

09:10 Amanda Hammett: All right, so tell us a little bit about... You both had mentioned something about hard work and about learning as you go, and I think that that's something incredibly, incredibly important. So tell us about what were some of those pieces that you learned early on that have made you successful today?

09:27 Ashleigh Skuse: So I think, as cliche as it might sound, attitude is everything. And I've learned that from the time I was... My mother owns a four-million dollar Tupperware franchise, and she's got all of these... It's number one fourth... Number four franchise in North America. And she is just crushing it, but she's always had that attitude. So I learned it from a very young age. Attitude is everything and, if you don't have the right attitude and that mindset... And everyone has off days. Don't get me wrong. We all do. I do, for sure. And that's okay. Just understand that maybe tomorrow... Today you can close the books, but come back with a better attitude tomorrow. And I think that that's one... Don't let the bad days get you down, just make them... It's a lesson in life. Why was it a bad day? What did I do? Was I not prepared enough for my day? Why did I not feel accomplished today? Ask those type of questions and have the right attitude towards that, I think is the huge... Cliche as it is, I think attitude is absolutely everything.

10:17 Amanda Hammett: Sometimes cliches are cliches for a reason.

10:19 Ashleigh Skuse: I know, right?


10:20 Ashleigh Skuse: I didn't make it up.


10:22 Amanda Hammett: Fantastic. Well, what about you?

10:24 Stephanie Gilbert: I had something that I tell my team all the time. Every single day, have a highlight. If there is nothing else, if you are coming in and you are checking a box. "I came in, I woke up, I took a shower, I answered emails, I talked to my co-workers, I made X amount of dials and then I went home." There's... It's yes, you checked a box, you fulfilled your duties of the day, but what did you do that made your job great? What fulfilled you that day? And I think some of that comes from a job that you're passionate about, but even if you're not in the job that you're currently passionate about, if you have that one highlight, you can take that to somebody else and say, "Hey." Share what your highlight was for the day and that might spark something in them, say, "She's gonna be great for this position one day" or "We can prepare her for this" or "Have you thought about X, Y, Z?" Because great leaders should know and be able to identify strengths and where you might fit in the puzzle when you might not even see the puzzle, so...

11:26 Amanda Hammett: Absolutely. That's a great point, I love that.

11:29 Stephanie Gilbert: Nugget.

11:30 Amanda Hammett: Nugget, yes!

11:31 Ashleigh Skuse: Yeah, you got one!


11:33 Amanda Hammett: So since you kinda segwayed into this and I think maybe you were just reading my mind... We'll say that, that's one of your skills.

11:40 Stephanie Gilbert: I'm very... Yes, very...

[overlapping conversation]


11:41 Amanda Hammett: So let's switch over a little bit to Veeam. Veeam has this incredible culture, and I'll just brag on you guys as a complete outside third party for just a second. As a company, one of the things that I noticed is that I'm brought into companies all over the world. And they bring me in and I audit them and I watch and I observe and I interview and I survey them and I just break them down. And one of the things that I noticed is that when you guys went to this luncheon, the group of 20 women went to this luncheon that Veeam sent you to. What I noticed is two things. You guys were... Even though you were outside and it was a social event, you guys were playfully picking on each other and it was all playful, it was it all in good fun, and it was... You could tell that the relationships were real, that was the first thing. But the second thing is, I always heard you guys laugh. There was a lot of laughter.

12:33 Amanda Hammett: And so whenever I'm walking around a company and I hear laugher coming from the cubicles, I know that we've got a good team.

12:40 Stephanie Gilbert: Are you sure that's not lunacy?


12:42 Amanda Hammett: There's a different type of laughter. Good point. No, this was fun laughter. And so I just wanted to take a moment and just point that out to you guys, that you guys have a good thing. What is it that Veeam does that keeps you guys productive, engaged, happy, laughing? What is it that they do?

13:03 Stephanie Gilbert: I'd say there's a lot of collaboration. We have a lot of whether it's gonna be a team meeting, whether it's gonna be a meeting of managers, whether it's just popping into somebody's office or their cubicle, bringing up ideas and sharing ideas. We have one of those cultures where it is something with... People wanna talk to each other, and people wanna share something, or they wanna go out together for lunch, or whatnot, but it is like that collaboration that really does bring that sense of community and people here want to... They wanna hang out after work, they wanna travel together, they want to see their ideas come to fruition but hear other's feedback. I would say that here we probably have a little bit of that thick skin. Maybe that's a natural sarcasm that we have, that's probably also part of the laughter.

13:46 Stephanie Gilbert: But we're a company that can handle constructive criticism and appreciates constructive criticism and then applies it. And I think that's probably one of the things that people learn to trust about each other, is that you're always gonna get something from somebody here, and you can trust the people that you're working with.

14:04 Amanda Hammett: Fantastic. I love it, I love it. What about you?

14:06 Ashleigh Skuse: I think it's a very family, it's a Veeam family. Yes, it's a corporation, yes, we're in the corporate world. All of that is true, but especially this office, and we are a Veeam family, we've all been together a lot of us for a very long time, and the new people that we're bringing on, it's not like... It's not a step-sister, it's like, "Hey, come on. Your in here. You are part of our family. Let's dig in, let's get to it." And everyone is out to help. Collaboration is obviously huge, but if you need help, ask, ask anybody. You can ask from a VP to someone sitting right next to you. It doesn't matter, just ask for the help and if they can't provide the help, we're gonna go find the answers for you, and kinda give you that help. So I think the Veeam family has really done a lot. And Veeam I know we're doing even more to make it more fun, make it better here. Having snacks in the break room and getting a better coffee machine, all that kind of stuff is stuff that we are continuing to improve on.

15:00 Ashleigh Skuse: But family is something that you can't buy or make. Family is just... Family is because of the people that you hire and the people that you put in the seats. And I think that we've done a really, really good job at and going out and getting that great talent to keep that whole Veeam family going.

15:13 Amanda Hammett: So, you brought up an interesting point about the family. So those of us who study workplace culture, we actually call it a clan mentality. So you guys are really competitive within each other, pushing that bar, encouraging each other to be better, do better. But anybody come from outside, and you want to attack the clan, no... So that's fantastic. And those teams tend to be the most productive and they tend to be the most cost-effective long term.

15:41 Amanda Hammett: So there you go, didn't know that. All right, so, you guys mentioned a little bit about developing, so let's talk a little bit about that. What is it that... I've loved hearing about the development that Veeam does, but is there anything that has really stsood out to you in particular that was great for your personal development?

16:00 Ashleigh Skuse: Yeah, so last year, we actually both went to a training in Boston, with the CEO and founder of Leading Women and she really taught us how to think... As a female in this industry, you are very, sometimes you are taught show your personality, do this, do that, but really you need to understand the strategic, the business, and the financial acumen of what's going on. It really taught us to think in those different ways and to thinking into the numbers and tag all the great stuff that we already have and put that down and think more like a CEO versus thinking like an individual contributor.

16:32 Ashleigh Skuse: And I think that that has been great for... Great for our careers and really like light bulbs. Like the whole time we were in that training, it was like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. All these light bulbs going off and just knowing that, "Oh, I already had this in me. It just took someone to pull it out." And now as a leader, I get to pull it out and not just in females, in males as well. I get to help pull that out now that I can pull it out of myself based off of that training that Veeam sent us to. So I think that that was huge.

16:55 Amanda Hammett: That's huge. What about you?

16:57 Stephanie Gilbert: Well, to piggyback off of Ashleigh, Veeam put in an exorbitant amount of money... Not exorbitant, but you know what I mean. They put in a lot of money for this specific training for us leaders. And I think that when a company puts in a financial... Yeah, a financial... What is that?

17:13 Amanda Hammett: Investment.

17:14 Stephanie Gilbert: Yes, a financial investment in their people, it really makes you feel like you are a part of something and on the cusp of greatness. But for me, I think for my... My biggest development has been, and I know I mentioned it earlier in this process is that we have our VPs that give us an open door policy. No matter who you are. And that has helped me out immensely. Having those larger, bigger picture, strategic conversations, understanding the numbers behind something. I am very detailed, so I can go on and on and on about something but in order to kinda see maybe the bigger picture I was missing some of the numbers. I was missing some of the... What percentage of growth... Where did you make this impact and how did you impact your own business. And so it took me... Having those conversations with somebody like that, especially someone that's numbers-driven, like a VP would be. But to bring that back to my team and make sure that I'm holding people accountable in the right ways. So that's been instrumental in my growth, here.

18:17 Amanda Hammett: You know what, you've mentioned this before, and you have mentioned this before, but I love that they're doing... They're taking the time to do that with you.

18:23 Ashleigh Skuse: Right.

18:24 Amanda Hammett: Because, I mean, not only does that help you develop, but it helps you develop the team as well, below you. So that is fantastic, and that's a good sign of leadership, absolutely. All right, so what is it that your direct bosses, your direct managers are doing to keep you motivated, happy, and engaged?

18:42 Ashleigh Skuse: Challenging.

18:44 Amanda Hammett: Okay.

18:44 Ashleigh Skuse: They bring challenges. I recently just moved over. So I used to run our inside channel and one day they decided, "Hey, Ashleigh we want you to run the Inside Enterprise team." And I was like "Great." [laughter] But giving those brand new things that, outside of my comfort zone, right. Your comfort zone is this big, and there's so many opportunities outside of it. And if someone doesn't push you to go out that comfort zone, you're never gonna do it. And I was very comfortable in what I was doing and I loved my job. I loved what I was doing, I loved my team, I loved all, everything about it. But when I got asked to go out of that comfort zone, it was not an easy decision for me. I went home, I went over to my brother house, I called my mom, I called my father in law, I called everyone, I was like "What should I do?" And they were like, "You'd be stupid not to take this opportunity." And it's totally true. And now my new boss, who is really a mentor. I know your boss is supposed to be your mentor, but you know what I mean, it's kind of inevitable, right.

19:35 Ashleigh Skuse: It's just he challenges, but at the same time, let's run me on business. Run the business, see how it's going, come up with your strategies, and then we'll kind of talk about it together. We'll get through it, we'll run through it. Which I think is very good and it's very... You run this business as long as we hit these numbers, you can continue to run this business and I won't get too far into it, [laughter] if not needed. If we're seeing the successes of it. Which I think is a very... It keeps the morale up, it keeps it... We're not getting hound on. Let me hound on my team, right? We don't need you to come, don't skip level, right? There's not very much skip level going on at Veeam, which I think is very helpful when it comes to keeping the morale up and working with the team. And we've got a great rapport and a great relationship and he brings a new challenge every single day and I think that that's a huge... I like a challenge. I didn't know I liked them back in the day, but I do.


20:21 Ashleigh Skuse: You learn that you like them.

20:22 Amanda Hammett: Fantastic. Well, if you didn't like them you'd be at the wrong place.

20:27 Ashleigh Skuse: This is very true.


20:29 Amanda Hammett: What about you Stephanie?

20:31 Stephanie Gilbert: The projects, Veeam leadership has been really, really good at identifying and delegating projects to people that want them. If you want something that's a little bit outside of your realm, then they'll identify, "Hey you'd be really good at X." And for me, I love finding little ways to motivate our entire sales team, not just my own team, but... End of the quarter push, like that end of quarter, if you're in sales, end of quarter is so stressful. But having some of those just fun things in the office, like games and some internal competitions and things like that, to really keep up people's spirits. I love, I love playing that kind of thing and so...

21:07 Ashleigh Skuse: And she's so good at it. Anytime a party needs to be planned or we need some morale boost, it's like, "Steph, where is she?" [laughter]

21:13 Stephanie Gilbert: It's true. I actually, I planned a human Foosball table out here, in the parking lot, yes.

21:19 Amanda Hammett: Interesting.

21:20 Ashleigh Skuse: You missed it.


21:21 Stephanie Gilbert: It is... It was about 20 feet long, but everyone holds on to the Foosball poll, and they run back and forth and try to kick a soccer ball in. And there were bruises, but we had a really good time, so...

21:32 Ashleigh Skuse: Okay. HR is like looking the other way. [laughter]

21:36 Stephanie Gilbert: They were off that day.

21:38 Amanda Hammett: Awesome.

21:39 Stephanie Gilbert: Waivers are great. [laughter]

21:43 Amanda Hammett: So let me ask you guys this, you guys are now in a position to hire, correct?

21:47 Stephanie Gilbert: Uh-huh.

21:48 Amanda Hammett: So tell me, what is it that stands out to you? Because you guys have a very interesting, fantastic, but interesting culture. So what is it that stands out to you?

21:56 Ashleigh Skuse: Personality, 100%. I am a very firm believer on hiring personalities that will fit within your team. Not that every personality needs to be the same, but I could teach a lot of things. I can't teach someone a personality. That's something that your mama taught you that, right. [laughter] I can't really, that... But I can teach and train and coach too, a lot of the things. Like how to sell our products and how to have conversations with the partners, how to have conversations with the end users and our alliance partners. We can teach all of those things, if you have the right skills. Obviously, now that I'm in the enterprise space, there definitely needs to be a little bit more than personality. You need to know how to have that solution sale and like that kind of stuff. But still, personality is gonna get you very far when it comes to interviewing because it just, it needs to mesh, it needs to fit. I need to know that if I leave tomorrow to go travel to Chicago or do something like that, that all the personalities are working. The team is working together and everyone is getting along, and helping each other. If you don't have a helpful personality and you're not a team player, odds are, I'm not gonna hire you.


22:49 Amanda Hammett: All right, what about you?

22:51 Stephanie Gilbert: Being prepared. Because you can bring so many different things to the table if you're coming up for an interview. So if you're prepared and you know exactly what you're going for, you can spin any kind of situation no matter if you come from the IT industry or if you are just breaking out. You can spin your past into something that's gonna be worthwhile here. So as long as you do the necessary research on that and you're not just like, "Hey here's all the things that I'm great at. I can kick a soccer ball, good for your foosball." [laughter] But it's just knowing who you're going into. It's doing the necessary Google searches and looking at, not just the website but going in and looking at LinkedIn and using all of your resources. Because that's a big thing about working here at Veeam, you have to know... We have so many different resources that if you don't know how to actually leverage resources, then that's not gonna be a fit for them.

23:42 Amanda Hammett: That's fantastic. I love it, I love it, I love it. All right, well, you guys, I think you already know I'm a fan. So I think that you guys are fantastic, but thank you guys so much for being on the show you guys are just... You are rock stars, you are definite definitions of rock stars.

23:55 Ashleigh Skuse: Thank you, you are too. [laughter]

23:56 Amanda Hammett: Thank you.

23:58 Stephanie Gilbert: It's true, after your... After we went to your luncheon. She was like, "I want her to be my mentor too."


24:04 Ashleigh Skuse: How do I get on that?


24:04 Stephanie Gilbert: I was like, I bet's she's got a list of people.

24:06 Ashleigh Skuse: I have like a mad girl crush on you.

24:10 Stephanie Gilbert: We're all like, "Amanda, take us."


24:12 Amanda Hammett: Thanks so much for joining for this episode of the Millennial Rockstar Podcast. If you are looking for even more information on millennials and some free resources, visit my website at amandahammett.com. The link is below, it's amandahammett.com. There you can download a free, millennial employee engagement guide that will give you all kinds of tips and tricks on how to keep those millennials engaged on a day-to-day basis, because we all know that millennials who are happy at work are more productive at work.


25:06 Amanda Hammett: Well, thank you, I'm blushing, so thank you.


25:09 Amanda Hammett: So thank you very much for joining us for this episode of the Millennial Rockstar Podcast and we will see you in the next one.

Disclaimer: This transcript was created using YouTube’s translator tool and that may mean that some of the words, grammar, and typos come from a misinterpretation of the video.

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