

Below is a list of employee characteristics.  This is by no means an exhaustive list.  It is more of a jumping-off point for you and your team to utilize as you begin the search to find the perfect candidate who will thrive within the culture of your company and the sub-culture of your team.

1. Action-Oriented 35. Easygoing 69. Original
2. Adaptable 36. Educated 70. Passionate
3. Adventurous 37. Efficient 71. Patient
4. Ambitious 38. Eloquent 72. Perceptive
5. Amiable 39. Empathetic 73. Persistent
6. Approachable 40. Energetic 74. Persuasive
7. Articulate 41. Enthusiastic 75. Positive
8. Autonomous 42. Extrovert 76. Predictable
9. Calm 43. Flexible 77. Proactive
10. Candid 44. Focused 78. Procedural
11. Charismatic 45. Friendly 79. Process-Driven
12. Cheerful 46. Grit 80. Problem-Solver
13. Clever 47. Hard-Working 81. Punctual
14. Coachable 48. Honest 82. Quality
15. Collaborative 49. Honorable 83. Quiet
16. Committed 50. Humble 84. Relaxed
17. Communicative 51. Imaginative 85. Reliable
18. Competitive 52. Independent 86. Resourceful
19. Composed 53. Inexperienced 87. Respectable
20. Confident 54. Innovative 88. Responsible
21. Conscientious 55. Intuitive 89. Safe
22. Cooperative 56. Inquisitive 90. Self-Managed
23. Courteous 57. Insightful 91. Self-Motivated
24. Creative 58. Intelligent 92. Sincere
25. Curiosity 59. Introvert 93. Solid
26. Decisive 60. Intuitive 94. Steady
27. Dependable 61. Kind 95. Talkative
28. Detail-Oriented 62. Leader 96. Team-Oriented
29. Determined 63. Loyal 97. Technological
30. Devoted 64. Meticulous 98. Trustworthy
31. Diligent 65. Modest 99. Understanding
32.Disciplined 66. Open-minded 100. Upbeat
33. Direct 67. Opinionated
34. Driven 68. Organized